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Not satisfied; not worthy; not understanding; not natural; not human; not real; not compassionate;
not agreeable; not sensible; not successful; not moving; not happy; not calm; not myself.
I find myself going back and thinking, what could have been different? Cannot let go of the past,
more and more exhausted, the feeling of self-disappointment intensifies. Seeking release,
compassion and letting go from that day, that rattling traumatic birth, so I can breathe again.
Choreography – Lital Ben Horin; Performer – Dikla Rejzewski; Artistic guidance & curator – Rachel Erdos; Artistic advisor & translation – Ori Lenkinski; Music – Alon Peretz; Portrait picture – Dan Ben Ari; Photo – Lital Ben Horin; Duration – 25 min

Stage of release is an original production of MASH Dance House, Premiered in Jerusalem on 6/12/22
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